June 2024
Our Mandel Vilar Press author Homero Aridjis wins prestigious Griffin Poetry Prize!
Winner of the 2024 Griffin Poetry Prize
We are thrilled to announce that Self-Portrait in the Zone of Silence by Homero Aridjis, translated by George McWhirter, has won the Griffin Poetry Prize.
The judges write:
“Self-Portrait in the Zone of Silence brings poet-translator George McWhirter’s adept English to the service of a great world-poet, Homero Aridjis. The book’s enchanting variety of tones and subjects expresses a rounded human being engaged with our total experience, from the familial to the political, from bodily sensations to dream, vision, philosophic thought, and history, from hope to foreboding. A keynote is the sense of a person speaking with us plainly and yet from kinship with a light that bathes, and springs from, each thing.”
Hot off the presses. Deborah Kalb is a well known book blogger who interviews new book authors about their books. This link will take you to Deborah's interview with our author, Eva Umlauf, The Number on Your Forearm is lue Like Your Eyes.
Naomi wrote an Afterword for the book that was recently reprinted on the Jewish Book Council's website. Naomi is mixed race--and her thoughts in the afterword show a kinship with her grandmother's plight as both she and her grandmother are/were considered, "The Other" in their respective majority populations. Erik, Eva's son, married Natalie Williams, who is African American in 1997 and they have two beautiful and bright daughters--Nadja and Naomi. Naomi is a student at Brown U and helped to found the first Black Literary Journal at Brown U. Naomi's mother, Natalie, is a lawyer who clerked for Justice Sotomayor and Sotomayor officiated at the wedding of Erik and Natalie. Natalie became a legal adviser to President Clinton and she and her husband Erik (who is Eva's first born son and is the CFO of J.P. Morgan Bank in New York) were major donors and supporters of Barack Obama.
Eva presented her book in a discussion with well known writer, Daniel Mendelsohn and with translator Shelley Frisch at the 92nd Street Y in New York City to a packed audience of 100+. The discussion was riveting. The 92nd St Y had ordered 30 books for sale and every book was sold and there were many more people who still wanted a copy.
FORTHCOMING in May 2024 Co-publication from Mandel Vilar Press and Dryad Press
The Number on Your Forearm Is Blue
Like Your Eyes: A Memoir
By Eva Umlauf with Stefanie Oswalt
Translated from the German by Shelley Frisch. Foreword by Michael Brenner . Afterword by Naomi Umlauf
Book events have just been scheduled and announced to launch Eva Umlauf's memoir:
(1) (May 2nd, a book event hosted by Brown University and the Campus Hillel--Eva Umlauf will have a public discussion of her memoir with her granddaughter who is a student at Brown University on May 2nd.
Then on (2) May 6th the 92nd Street Y (92Y) in New York City will have a book event featuring Eva Umlauf, the author,in discussion about the book with the well known writer Daniel Mendelsohn (former Editor in Chief of The New York Review of Books) and bestselling author and introduced by Shelley Frisch, the translator that we used for the book. Invitations will go out for the 100-seat theater at the 92nd St. Y.
June 1/2022
Mandel Vilar Press and Fig Tree Books LLC
Form A Strategic Partnership
Effective immediately, FTB has become an imprint of MVP.
Robert Mandel said, “Fig Tree’s mission of publishing the best literature of the American Jewish experience dovetails extraordinarily well with Mandel Vilar Press’s mission of advancing diversity and conservation in the book economy and bringing underrepresented literature of the Americas to a wide audience.” READ MORE
Dear Friends and Colleagues Anna Salton Eisen, our author of (1) Pillar of Salt: A Daughter's Life in the Shadow of the Holocaust (ISBN: 9781942134 824) and co-author of (2) The 23rd Psalm: A Holocaust Memoir (ISBN: 9781942134848) has been a very active author speaking a both in-person and virtual events in 2022 and now again in 2023. So far She will be speaking at 10 events in many cities of Texas; she will also be speaking at two events on Long Island, New York; one event in Winston Salem, NC; One event in Newton, MA; one event in Wayne , NJ; one event in Phoenix AZ. We expect that there will be other book events added to this calendar Anna's Book, PILLAR OF SALT was just approved by the Texas Advisory Commission for adoption in middle and high schools in Texas: Here are the links: Just got on the Texas approved Holocaust reading list! https://thgaac.texas.gov/learning/hrw/approved-readings-for-the-classroom https://thgaac.texas.gov/learning/hrw/approved-readings-for-the-classroom#modal-206147 In 2023 (especially in the first four months of the New Year) she is the featured speaker at a number of important events: UPCOMING EVENTS: SUNDAY, JANUARY 15, 2023 – GRAPEVINE, TX First Presbyterian Church Grapevine WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 18, 2023 – VIRTUAL EVENT Statewide Louisiana “A Meaningful Learning Opportunity” **NOTE Her presentation will be broadcasted to every high school in Louisiana SATURDAY, JANUARY 21, 2023 – SOUTHLAKE, TX Gateway Church – Holocaust Remembrance Event MONDAY, JANUARY 23, 2023 – SAN ANTONIO, TX The Holocaust Museum of San Antonio Two San Antonio ISD High School Visits MONDAY, JANUARY 23, 2023 – SAN ANTONIO, TX San Antonio Public Library Holocaust Learn and Remember Series WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 25, 2023 – VIRTUAL EVENT The Holocaust Museum of San Antonio Webinar Presentation for Area Schools SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2023 – COLLEYVILLE, TX Good Shepherd Catholic Community THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 2023 – VIRTUAL EVENT Women of Chai at Temple Beth Tikvah in Wayne, NJ WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 2023 – GRAPEVINE, TX Grapevine Rotary Club TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 2023 – VIRTUAL EVENT—GLEN COVE, NY Holocaust Memorial and Tolerance Center of Nassau County TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2023 – VIRTUAL EVENT—MANHASSET, NY Irving Roth Holocaust Resource Center of Temple Judea TUESDAY, MARCH 7, 2023 – DALLAS, TX Easy Readers Book Club WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12, 2023 – FORT WORTH, TX Ladies of Literati Book Club MONDAY, APRIL 17, 2023 – WINSTON-SALEM, NC Temple Emanuel Yom HaShoah FRIDAY, MAY 5, 2023 – NEWTON, MA Temple Beth Avodah THURSDAY, MAY 11, 2023 – EL PASO, TX Congregation B’nai Zion WEDNESDAY, MAY 17, 2023 – VIRTUAL EVENT Phoenix Holocaust Association This is a heads up notice for those of you who cover these territories and even those reps in other territories that sell books to bookstores often located (and there are many) in Jewish Community Centers, Synagogues and Holocaust Centers and Museums around the country. I expect that she will be adding a dozen more events in 2023: I will keep you posted.
January, 2023
The 23rd Psalm: A Holocaust Memoir by George Salton and Anna Salton Eisen with a new Foreword by Michael Berenbaum has been named a Finalist for the National Jewish Book Award for 2022 in the Holocaust Memoir category.

Mandel Vilar Press, author Dara Kurtz is doing a series of interviews and podcasts for her book, "I AM MY MOTHER'S DAUGHTER". Mother, daughter, cancer survivor Dara Kurtz shares her “Crazy Perfect Life” and inspires others to make the most of every day!
More News

Click here to go to Teens and Young Adults Read the Holocaust. With a comment about "My Real Name is Hanna," by Tara Lynn Masih

Click here to go to LOCUS Magazine. With a comment about "Zion's Fiction," by Sheldon Teitelbaum and Emanuel Lottem.

Click here for "Green Was My Forest," by Edna Iturralde.
Book Presentation at the Americas Latino EcoFestival, September 2018